Saturday, November 03, 2007


Bout of contemplation for me today.

First, some minor updates:

It hadn't been a good day, with tempers frayed and all. Crunch time's here, and its gonna be a hellish 2-3 wks. But we'll get through it! Ganbatte all of us! Haha.

One of projects have some major 头绪. Still lots to go, but really great to see it online finally!

And about that contemplation: how ppl are selfish and all.. and i'm no exception.
Made a "wrong" message today, just an hr or so ago. Not that it's a bad thing, or that it's the first time it happened. On the contrary, it was probably a good thing. Some inane chitchat & thoughts away from work is great after all, superb stress reliever:D Thanks gal =)

And more importantly, that chat made me think of something important. A self revelation of sorts I suppose. Of how selfish I'd become. Why that message had been "wrong", when it was equally relevant to the person. And its not that I don't care anymore, or don't care at all. Expressing it is another thing, and with all the things juggling today, perhaps that's what's being neglected. Perhaps that's the reason for the distancing feeling I'm getting these days. Mayhaps its time for a change!

So, gal, if you're reading this, that message was not sent wrongly! :D Wahaha... And to all my family and friends out there, here's the message to you all, a message not said often enough. I love ya all! And thanks for being there!!

*end emotional scene*

Some humour for closure =) take a look at this snippet from the NuklearPower web comic *check out the link at the side*

I love irony!


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