Monday, November 05, 2007

Random snippets of thoughts.

It's 4am.

I'm freaking tired, but there's so much more to study, look through, and prepare, for the vast myriads of things that are gonna happen in the next few hours or so (for almost the whole week basically).

Still, wanna take a break, jot down some random thoughts that have been plaguing my mind.

Random Thought 1:
Fact a. I was in school on Sat & Sun till way past midnight.
Fact b. The school was CROWDED on Sat & Sun, till almost way past midnight.
Fact c. Not only were the rooms fully booked/occupied, so were the CORRIDORS!
Fact d. IT WAS A WEEKEND!!!!
Fact e. I wasn't really surprised.

Conclusion a. Welcome to SMU.

Random Thought 2:
People are selfish. Donch know why this thought keeps resounding in my mind. Despite all the attempts to re-examine this, it keeps resonating true somehow. Ugh... why!

Random Thought 3:
The Lemon Theory!
When life gives you lemons ....

A child tries it, winces and carries on
A whiner sobs and whines that he has a lemon
An adult eats it, shrugs, and continues eating it for the rest of his sorry life.
An entrepreneur makes lemonade and sells it
An optimist thinks that the next one is gonna be sweet!
A CEO gets other people to make him some lemonade with it
A skilled office worker blames someone else for it

I had a long list just now ... this is all I can remember :P

Random 4:
It's amazing the amount of random crap you can come up with when you're tired and attempting to study! Lol!


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