Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Paradigm Shift

A full day of AS, OO, DM til 7, followed by a BGS mini-party in the lounge, thanks to Prof Raj, and the efforts of the organising committee! Kudos to them for the wonderful party on short notice! Had quite a great time, playing games, food and drinks, while Adrian and Stanley showed magic tricks to us again! Haha, as they all say, we 每天被骗! Bunch of us then sat around singing while Justin played the guitar! Fun! Gives me the resolve (once again) to learn the guitar! -.-

We left the party early to continue working on DM & OO, yes, such a sad life indeed:P Well, DM presentation due in a few hours time, and the report on Friday. OO, on Monday. Gonna be hell week again, but after this stretch, I'm home free!! Yay!

Anyways, the main thing today was, had a good chat with Andrew on the way home. Realised a very pertinent fact, a generalization that most IS students prescribe to. Like rabid dogs biting meat, we tend to seize a problem and once we get our 'fangs' on it, we refuse to let go till its dead! A rather morbid analogy, yes, but very apt in my opinion! And how true is it... had so many examples of people debugging programs waaay late at night, until the jump of joy (metaphorically speaking, on msn) brought about the time to sleep! And yes, immediately after reaching home, it happened again! *Grin* At least we managed to solve it! Phew.. amazing how the errors are always so simple in nature.. Guess that's life.. we tend to take care of the intricate, tough details, while the small, simple details often get missed in our obsession and pursuit of the completion of the main function. Perhaps what we all need is a paradigm shift, a change in thinking, a breath of fresh air in our stale minds. Easy to speak of perhaps, but certainly hard to pull off. Well, one can but hope.

Speaking of dreams also brought to mind yet another long-forgotten problem of mine... but it's 2+ am, and there's a DM presentation in 8 hours time. Had better sleep now!


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