Monday, March 27, 2006

Vacuous thoughts

It's been a long time since I was impressed by a movie. Watched V for Vendetta twice in 2 days. Fri - because of the free tickets from the opening of Cathay, and Sat - meeting up with old army buddies. It was really good, with so many hidden meanings while discussing philosophies of life and freedom. Good usage of symbolism, and subtle poking of fun at present-day issues. Several times during the show, there were occassions when I feared cliché(ness) would rear its head and destroy the movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. The art-form was great, the music from jazz to the orchestra accompanying the explosions was perfectly apt and well chosen. All in all, was a great movie, and I highly recommend it to any of you who haven't watched it!

P.S Never knew there were so many words with V! The starting oratory by V, brilliant!


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