Phew... feeling totally exhausted now! Been sleeping very little these few days.. and having lots to do hasn't helped either! Celebrated Andrew's Birthday yesterday night! Since a picture tells a thousand words.. I'll let the pics below tell the story!
Anyways.. today was an exhausting day.. again! Met early in the morning with Strategica exco to discuss club direction etc.. Made quite a good progress I suppose. Vivace's coming up real quick.. sigh.. Both looking forward to it, and dreading it somehow.. heh. Weird. After that, we went to Minds Cafe to play! Played I'm the Boss again... somehow love those backstabbing games. Played another game as well.. but not really memorable cos I didn't really enjoy it I guess. Haha..
Just finished calling my freshmen for SIS Camp! Although one didn't answer the phone.. the rest seemed ok with meeting up this thurs. Looking forward to it!
Anyways, the pictures.

The cake!

Us. Pathetic amount I know.. Sigh..

The 'evenly' cut cake. Of cos the HUGE slice goes to the birthday boy!

Yuanru cutting cake!! OMG rare sight! Haha
Lame joke of the post!
Why was the Tomato blushing? Because he saw the salad dressing.
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