Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Almost forgot to introduce my 新老婆 =) Isn't she a beauty!

*shows my concentration level right*

The Return of the... King?

I'm back! Hopefully for good? It's been long dismal months since I've last written. So many things have happened... some good, some bad. It's been a stressful semester thus far, and I fear that I've somehow lost my zest for life. Certainly, the motivation to write has been lost. No longer do I find the urge to pick up the pen (not literally) & note down my thoughts... or actually put something into action. This strange apathy (all right.. not so strange since I've always been apathetic, but never to this extent!) is slowly killing me.. to the extent that I haven't been sleeping well for weeks. Sigh... seems like every night I keep waking up every hour or so. Interrupted sleep for the lose - now included.

Well, 'nuff whining. AA Quiz is in less than 12 hours time, and I still feel terribly unprepared despite reading through it... somehow comprehension still eludes me. Starting to hate the subject a little... seems like much guesswork and fluff to me, despite the seeming structure of it.

Right... I did continue whining a little eh. Anyways, the main points of the post - 1.Religion and 2. Choice ... Why these 2 topics? Kinda had an epiphany of sorts during Life Science class today... heh... while listening to the pro crapping of our Prof :P

Religion: Yes, we've debated this so much, and will continue debating this until the cows come home, and we'll never reach a conclusion. But as we were sitting around in the class, as I listened to Mingfei and Marcus talk about life after death etc ... These thoughts came to my mind... Marcus... while I can see your your point about everybody being selfish, even the so-called saints, and in fact agree with it to a certain extent. Still, its a choice people make to do good or not. It's just easy to put everything down to human nature and say that "hey, we're supposed to be selfish!" and stuff... but at least they've made the choice of doing the good. No matter the reason, I'd say it's lofty enough. Yes I've always been an atheist, yet I've always respected religion for themselves, and respected people who have the faith to keep to it. My only pet peeve is when people get carried away with it, and think that it's the only thing that matters over all others, or when they try to impress their own views upon you. That to me, is the greatest sin of all, and not the act of "Not following the tenets of ".

Aight.. I'm beginning to babble again, so I'll get on to the next point. Choice.

Today, during the life science class, I was rather shocked? (maybe that's a little too harsh a word, but I can't think of a better one for now) to hear the prof's life style and what he recommends. His disciplined life includes sleeping at 10, waking at 5, no alcohol, no kissing (because of bacteria in the mouth??), no smoking, no drugs, no red bull, no nothing! OMG! It may be good, I certainly agree
with the no alcohol, no smoking no drugs blah blah... but this discipline seems more like overdoing it. His explanation: Better safe than sorry, and it's his knowledge of life science and what things can do that causes that. Perhaps, ignorance is bliss? I disagree. We all know risks in life. We all TAKE risks in life. For example, to not kiss just because of the off-chance of herpes is pushing it, in my opinion. I'd not want to live my life in fear, with the stress of second guessing everything and anything, just to be SAFE. I want to enjoy my life, I want to make my choices, to have a balance between fun and safety. After all, what's the point in living to a hundred if you're gonna be bored, bitter and ... funless? Perhaps I'm just biased. He seems pretty happy to me, despite his austere lifetyle. Whatever it is, forgive me if I do not just follow in your footsteps and 'play safe' ;)

Well.. I've ranted enough. Back to reading through the slides again b4 hopping to bed again. Hopefully this time I can stay asleep... ugh!

Before I leave, posting this 2 interesting pics I saw.

This is an interesting banner which had been outside the church near SMU. I'm not sure what's the name of the church, but they certainly have advertising down to an art form! I've seen several interesting "adverts" by them, but this one... is full of win! Heh

Now this picture is taken in the toilet:P Lol, this few days there's been a massive campaign against using plastic bags, with posters pasted all over school, even in the guys toilet (no idea about the girls toilet) where every 马桶 has one pasted where one can see it while doing his business. Which is a good thing. Just found this pic pretty amusing =)