Friday, December 30, 2005

Anger! Rant! Argh!

Really miffed with SMU right now... not a particular event perhaps, but a whole collection of things happening throughout the semester and holidays... Or maybe it's just my lack of sleep, and overall "Sian"ness today...


1. COMM100 - no advance notice of such a class given... last minute decisions... ONLY changing their minds to allow foreign students to return home AFTER much outcry. Where's the planning? Ok fine, maybe one isn't so bad...

2. Statistics - What kind of classification is given. Why Stats A and B? Surely there has to be a reason? What is the reason behind splitting JC and poly students for this? As if poly students never took statistics during their course? Or as if the Maths paper had SOOO much stats within it. Gods. It just doesn't make sense. Shouldnt a wiser choice be to split Stats A and B according to those who NEED it more? Like, for example, accountancy students would need statistics? And what's with the timetable given, then last minute allowing poly students to change to stats A? That seems to me just pure laziness in coping with all the last minute pleas. I could be wrong, just a conjecture, but it totally does not make sense.

3. Timetables - Timetables were given out before holidays, ok that's great. But during holidays, many changes were made, most of them after christmas period.. 28th and 29th. Surely that's GREAT planning indeed! And it of course takes into account those people who are overseas on holidays and do not check their mail/boss everyday. Whooopie!! Impressive indeed.

This surely bodes well for me learning MANAGEMENT and business... I am overjoyed. YAY.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Sigh... Almost 3am now.. Have been sleeping an average of 3 hrs a day for the past 2 weeks. This will have to change when school reopens next week. Argh... so many things to do... so little time! Tomorrow... will have to go swim early in the morning. Don't understand how they can wake up so early man... of their own free will! Insanity! It's not that I hate swimming or anything.. on the contrary I find it fun.. but waking up early in the morning.. No Sirreeee. Still, guess I don't have a choice!

Watched History of Violence with Khel today, very interesting shit, kinda reminded me a little of Be With Me. Struck me once again that everybody has a story, a hidden side, something he/she doesn't want anyone else to know about. Do you?

Anyways, a recap on Murphy's Law, we were talking about it on our way home, and came up with 2 theories (Ok, so one's by Khel's bro - must mention that, no plagarism and all that yeah:P) Firstly, the Remember-Bad-Things theory. We have a tendency to forget the good things that happened, and dwell upon the bad memories, thus we always think that bad things happen often, resulting in Murphy's Law. Second, the Expectation-Theory. Whenever we have high expectations, we set ourselves up for a fall - chances are things will never work out the way you want it to, and we blame it on 'bad things' or Murphy's "Law".

Enough of that 'deep thought', gotta go install BG2 and go to sleep! Oh no.. yet another game to addict myself with.. Great.. Just what I need when school starts next week:P

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Oh well, it's 4am here, and the guys all nodded off already... bleah! So much for the overnight marathon:P Well, it's been a great christmas eve-christmas! The family Xmas dinner was great, we usually don't celebrate christmas, but it's always good to meet up with everyone and catch up yeah.

Went to Khel's place after the dinner, watched rented old movies and talked alot. Deep conversation me homies, philosophical shit and all. We need to do more of that. Grin. Anyways, think we had a bit too much to drink! Why are all of you sleeping already! Bah! Think I shall just crash as well. Gnite all, and once again, Merry XMAS! (And a Happy New Year!)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Murphy's Law!

How time flies... it's 3 weeks into the holidays and it seems like it just started yesterday. Only a week to go before school starts again. Haven't been writing for some time, time for a catch up session! Yesterday was the last day of a week-long mobile devices programming course. Kudos to our teacher, Daniel (see his blog here), for teaching us so much:)

After the course, met Shili for dinner (Mingfei and Vivienne stop shopping so much! Food is impt too!), before meeting up with the other 2 gals to watch a magic show at the Expo. Alas, that day was a great day for Murphy! First, we were too engrossed chatting and we (four of us, no less!) passed our MRT stop(Simei). Then, disaster struck when we finally reached Simei (which I shall not reveal for blackmail purposes now:P). After all that, we decided to go Tampines KTV. The moment we stepped out to Tampines Mall, I realised that the crowd was terrible. Must be the last minute Christmas shopping... Here, I must pause to thank Yuanru for her great directions, that we failed to follow:P Spent 20 minutes walking around 2 shopping malls before realising that the KTV is not at malls. Why, oh why, Murphy! Finally, we found the KTV. I must say that Mingfei's vocal range is amazing!! And Shili's singing was amazing - kinda reminds me of Jewel haha! Anyway, it was great fun and all, especially the last part where we were rushing through songs:P Of course, Murphy being Murphy, and us being 4 lost little sheep (ok you two girls from china stop laughing, we Singaporeans dont know EVERY part of singapore OK!), we stupidly took the last train TO pasir ris, and got stuck there. On hindsight, laziness has become my downfall yet again! Needless to say, we took bus 240 to city hall before parting ways. Anyway, despite the several 'mishaps', I must say the whole day was great fuN! Thanks, you 3!

Now for random recollections, not in any particular chronological order, but whatever I can remember from the past weeks of not writing.

Cashflow Competition
2 days of Cashflow gaming at NTU, was fun, but we concluded that cashflow is after all a game based on luck and cooperation. Still, that's a true fact of life, we have to cope with whatever cards life deals to us. Was enlightening, and fun! Notable things include, the banker, Ben failing to get out of rat race in first day, and both YC and I getting into finals! Totally unexpected but yeah man!

COMM 100, Settlers Cafe and Chicken Little
First week of hols - a rare time when I have an exemption while the rest of you guys don't! Haha:) Still, guess you all will have the last laugh when following semesters come:P At least I came back to school some days to accompany you guys okay! Haha.. anyway, we went Settler's Cafe one of the days, played some large - scale board games. Totally fun! One of these days we have to play those smaller ones too.. The other day, we also went to watch Chicken Little together.. my first attempt at organising such a relatively large scale event.. harder than I thought, but well it was great fun!

Khel's Birthday Party!
Hey man, thanks again for inviting us all, and kudos for the great party! Can imagine the nightmare logistics of inviting so many people! Was great fun, I must have drank more there than I have my entire life. Ah wells, you still haven't INTRO us to more people yet!! Hrmph, still waiting ok! Til next time!

Piano Concert at Esplanade, really enjoyed myself! Nice work, sis, too bad so many mishaps! Look for Murphy again! HAHA!

Frog Leg Porridge
Went Chinatown this wed with Ben, Miki & YR to eat the famous frog leg porridge. Was real good, but YR didn't eat much, since her teeth were still in pain I guess (not that she eats a lot usually haha). Still, poor Ben and I had to polish up most of the food haha. I must say that the 5 dollar fried pig intestine is disgustingly TINY! Still think its not worth it HAHA. Went to a cafe?bookshop? WHATEVER (that's the name, not a statement:P) Interesting theme and good environment too. Too bad i'm not much of a tea person, guess Miki isn't as well. Haha. Still, had a good time!

Well, enough of my catch-up ramblings! Gotta go mop the floor and all for tonight's family xmas party! Looking forward to it YEAH! MERRY XMAS ALL!