Tuesday, June 20, 2006


It's been more than a week since I last blogged... yet again.

Finding myself with more and more things to write, jotting them down aside as I think of them; and I think these 'notes' have piled up to quite a sum; if I can just find where I left them.

Yet, haven't the time nor inclination to pick up the pen, figuratively speaking, and start blogging those thoughts down.

WoW - World of Warcraft. Unbelivably addictive for me now, probably the prime reason why I've stopped.

But I'll be back.

So many things have happened this past week, discussions and thoughts that I wanna flesh out. It's time to start again, and to find time in spite of this new addiction to do so.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Half down!

5 days of ICT over, that's half of it:)

So far so good, it's been easier than I expected. Still, next week's outfield will be the true test I guess.

Last night was stay-in, my first night in the camp itself. Heh, still, had a nights out, and went out with Xiaowei, Weiwei and Xiwen for dinner at Suntec NYDC, then drinks at Pacific Coffee! Was my first time at Pacific Coffee.. the place wasn't too bad, but as usual for cafes like those, the drinks were ex! Heh.. Anways, thanks gals for accompanying me til 10+ heh.. Have a pic here, only one with Xiaowei, sadly, cos the other 2 were camera shy!:(

Today had to be the slackest day of ICT yet.. Woke up at 740, rushed down to work. Got it done quick, and went to canteen. Then back to bunk to sleep til 1, woke for lunch, and back to bunk to read.. til 330 before falling asleep.. until fallout time! Woah.. I've had more sleep these past 3 days than the last 2 weeks I guess... Heh

Wells, one week to go! Better start looking for job again! ;)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Carrot Juice is murder?!!?

Was reading Sinfest when the comic strip above caught my eye! Totally reminded me of Arrogant Worm's Carrot Juice is murder! (See below for lyrics). Some food for thought *pun intended* for vegetarians perhaps:P

On a sidenote, I LOVE arrogant worms... the sheer cheek and humour injected in their songs. Wonderful. Not superb singing or anything, but nice enough, and their catchy melodies and interesting lyrics always put a smile on my face;) Do try ém!!
Arrogant Worms - Carrot Juice is Murder

Listen up, brothers and sisters
Come hear my desperate tale
I speak of our friends of nature
Trapped in the dirt like a jail

Vegetables live in oppression
Served on our tables each night
This killing of veggies is madness
I say we take up the fight

Salads are only for murderers
Cole slaw's a fascist regime
Don't think that they don't have feelings
Just 'cause a radish can't scream

I've heard the screams of the vegetables, scream scream scream
Watching their skins being peeled, having their insides revealed
Grated and steamed with no mercy, burning off calories
How do you think that feels, bet it hurts really bad
Carrot juice constitutes murder, and that's a real crime
Greenhouses prisons for slaves, let my vegetables grow
It's time to stop all this gardening, it's dirty as hell
Let's call a spade a spade, it's a spade it's a spade it's a spade

I saw a man eating celery
So I beat him black and blue
If he ever touches a sprout again
I'll bite him clean in two

I'm a political prisoner
Trapped in a windowless cage
'Cause I stopped the slaughter of turnips
By killing five men in a rage

I told the judge when he sentenced me
"This is my finest hour
I'll kill those farmers again
Just to save one more cauliflower"

How low as people do we dare to stoop
Making young broccolis bleed in the soup
Untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes
Set potted plants free, don't mash that potato, ah

I've heard the screams of the vegetables scream scream scream
Watching their skins being peeled fates in the stir fry are sealed
Grated and steamed with no mercy you fat gourmet scum
How do you think that feels leave them out in the fields
Carrot juice constitutes murder V8's genocide
Greenhouses prisons for slaves yes your compost's a grave
It's time to stop all this gardening take up macramé
Let's call a spade a spade it's a spade it's a spade it's a spade

Monday, June 05, 2006

1 week!

More than a week since I last blogged!

As time goes by, I find myself getting lazier and lazier.. it's getting hard to sit down and actually start writing... but when I finally do so, I've go so much to write that I don't know where to start..

This saying is really true man... Planned to stop work on Saturday, have a day of rest before ICT. Yet, on Thursday, received call from my boss telling me that it would be my last day of work.. and well, considering it was my off day... I was suddenly out of work! Disconcerting, to say the least, to be out of work all of a sudden. Still, made the most out of it, had a good rest on Fri, went out with Brad, Ameet, George and Mah on Sat, and met up with Xiwen for lunch on Sunday (and finally got back my hdd! Yay!)

Anyways, Monday came too soon.. and off I was to the first ICT of my life. Posted to 285 SA, new unit, new camp yet again. Sigh.. worst thing was, when I reached there, everyone was chatting away happily with each other.. and I was feelin all left out. Guess that's the way it is, to be posted from a totally different unit to one where everyone knows each other, and worked with each other before. Luckily, met up with another Ammo Base personnel, who was looking as lost as me. Heh. Also, met up with someone totally unexpected, someone from a part of my history I almost forgot, and had very little contact with; yet we somehow remembered each other. Which is a good thing, since I didn't know anyone else around. Anyways, the first day was just for the advance party, and there was little to do. After completing work, we basically just slacked around/slept! Around 6, we booked out. Hopefully that's something that can happen everyday... but the chances are rather slim I guess. Still, one can but hope.


All this got me thinking about something Khel and I talked about last time. Fate. Karma. Or coincidence even. Whatever you want to call it. Do you believe in some higher power controlling the events that happen? In my opinion, there IS such a thing as fate. And yet, there is also free will, and choices. How so? Perhaps all the roads of fate have been built, and the choices we can make is which road down to walk. For example, I had the roads in front of me, to not go university, to go NUS, or to go SMU. I choose the road myself, what happens after basically is up to fate.. A little unclear perhaps, I haven't fully articulated the thought out myself. What do you think?