Is the very word that describes how I felt for most part of the day!
Ben, Hui and I were supposed to meet at Minds Cafe today, not to play; but for a meeting with the boss to talk about partnership with our club
Strategica! I was nervous, yet hopeful. After all, this is the first time I'm dealing with sponsorships etc, and likely a good/useful experience for the future.
Alas, it was not to be. I made a phone call to reconfirm the time with the boss, having set the meeting a few days ago. Then the shocker: He could not make it today! From what I infer, he's probably overseas or so.. so it's postponed to Friday! Lesson learnt. Always confirm the day before. Sigh... Noob me -.- In defence, I can only say I never expected he would cancel last minute! Oh wells, we live and learn.
So that was the first stunner.. critical strike.. pwned! I was left hanging there on my way to Bishan, and frankly quite at a loss.. I quickly called Hui and Ben to cancel. Lucky Hui was at Bishan on his way to Minds.. so he got off to meet me! We then went to Mac to play.. 决一胜负!
Then, at about 1 or so, the second stunner appeared from out of the blue. This was really one-of-a kind experience.. something I'd never have expected. I got a call from my old AS prof, Mark Nowacki.. about Strategica! Small world? Unbelivable indeed. Anyways.. turns out he had somehow heard of us! Settler's Cafe organises the

Singapore Board Games Championship (See poster) and they plan to promote this in SMU. Certainly of great interest to our club, especially since that gives us the opportunity to work closely with them.
So it turns out, they wanted to set up a booth on Wed (since the qualifying rounds of the competition is on this Sat). But that gives us only 1 day ++ to get things worked out.
Ouch indeed.
Especially with the amount of administrative red tape we need to get through to handle it.
Still, we've called whoever we need to call, emailed whoever we need to email, and done the necessary preps. All that's left is prayer to god that all goes well =) We can but hope.
It's certainly gonna be a terribly busy week up ahead, what with Strategica business, meetings, as well as SIS Orientation Camp. Still, looking forward to it, and working hard for them too. Lots of responsibilities ahead, certainly more than I've been used to dealing with. I suppose it's great exposure too. I'm kinda glad I didn't continue working though.. despite the dire straits of finances THAT led me to.. I don't think I'd be able to deal with SO many things at once.. A step ahead at a time eh!
Ah wells, enough talking.. better get ready to go off. Gonna celebrate Andrew's birthday soon. Surprise as it's supposed to be? Though with the amount of 'surprise' parties we've been holding lately... I kinda doubt any surprise is left. I don't even want to think what the latest slate of bdae parties are going to do to my poor wallet.. Thank god it's at Bishan ...
Lame joke of the post
Not so easy to get so many lame jokes:P Here's an interesting video instead!