Just finished packing for camp tomorrow... it's not the first camp i'm going to, but its the first i'll be facilitator for. Which is why I'm kinda nervous/excited now. Heh..
Anyways, its been a very packed and busy two days for me.
Yesterday was a day of fun. Met up with the Strategica exco at Buona Vista (ungodly place for me... can't wait til the Circle Line comes up... have to travel one WHOLE ROUND to get to a place that's not THAT far..), and discussed some stuff. We must be getting better at this.. or maybe it was the time limit pushing us :P We did end much quicker than previous meetings!
After that, we went to Settler's Cafe to enjoy some board games again. After the past few meetings at Mind's, I was frankly getting a little .. bored of the place. So, it's a refreshing change. Tried several new games, some fun, some not so.. but the 2 most memorable things that happened has got to be 1. Ben's face when he thought he was about to win in
Dragon Delta, but realised that Jinghao had accidently (yes, accidently!) blocked his win! 2.
Puerto Rico , one of the best board games I've played so far, with little luck required and mostly strategic thinking. Impressive indeed.. wonder how long the game creators spent thinking about that impeccably balanced game =)
Anyways, been thinking a little about it. Realised I never played much board games when I was young.. besides the occasional monopoly or mad magazine.. I only played the original Risk once! Yet, now that I'm 20+, in university, I find myself playing tons more than I was young! LOL.. 返老还童 perhaps? Heh.. I like to think that even as the body grows old.. aches and all.. the mind can still stay young! Young at heart is the way to go! I don't wanna be old.. throughout!
After Settlers, went to watch a play with George, Ameet and a friend of theirs. Female friend. Hmm.. they seem to pay her a lot of attention ;) Grin.. But I digress..
The play,
Homesick, is, I quote the emcee "the first play of the first night of the first Singapore Theatre Festival!" Impressive introduction, and I was certainly not disappointed. It's described as a dark comedy, and indeed its an apt description. Very Singaporean, yes, but with amazing play on words that kept me much amused. They poked fun at current issues, the government, and many other things that Singaporeans do think about.. or at least I do. The humour wasn't just it.. the second half was rather thought provoking.. touching on familial issues, and interpersonal relationships. Indeed, underlying the humour, and the exaggeration is a theme that's close to everyone's hearts, of the misunderstandings we have towards one another. The imperfect exchange of information. I certainly enjoyed myself a lot watching the play.. worth the 38 bucks despite my current dire financial straits.
Well.. on to today.
Had the second meeting with the Mind's boss, Alvin, together with Yaocong again. Certainly much more promising, and he did impress me a little with the quick way his mind works to bring things to his advantage. Got quite a bit this time, not the hard cash we hoped for, but that's kinda hard for a new club like us to get I suppose. A little in a dilemma, I'd love to accept this offer of course, but I also want to work with Settler's. Still, position-wise, perhaps it'll be better to accept this offer. Gotta wait and see i guess. Also met Adrian at Minds while at the meeting.. remembered then that he loves board games too.. gotta try and get him to join =) If you ever read this Adrian, do join! Heh heh..
After the meeting, met Yuanru, Ben and Vivienne .. the original plan being to catch a movie before meeting up with orientation exco for a last min briefing. Guess that's the problem with being charitable.. and letting the international students join.. So many logistic problems! Anyways, it was kinda too late for a movie due to the timings, so we just sat around at the Kaya Toast shop and chatted for a while. Was feeling quite full then, so I passed on the food.. which I kinda regretted later..
We met up with Xiaowei and Xiwen, and went over for the meeting. Turns out I got 2 more new freshmen! Ah wells.. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end! 2 free shirts given .. looks okay to me.. after all it IS free ;) After the meeting.. it was already 8+.. and we were supposed to go for dinner.. but they all decided to go home! (hence the regret just now) Thus.. I had to assuage my hunger on a puny Old Chang Kee curry puff (I love the things.. not for their taste but for the memory it brings me of the time I was out with my dad last time.. heh.. fun stuff!) before heading home!
My tale is done. Heh.. Hope the camp turns out great! Looking forward to tomorrow!
Oh yes, and Happy Birthday Yuanru. Happy 21st in 20 mins time! You're an adult now! *Grin*