~There is no second place.. only the first loser.~
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Freakin high after Oasis concert! NEARLY regretted not getting the front row tix, and definitely regretted not having a camera with me, but surely an experience I'll never forget!
The energy levels were amazing, and the music was freakin' good! I was a little apprehensive at first, before the concert, what with it being my first ever concert, the little sleep, the mad rush to complete the CT project (hallelujah), and the tiredness I felt just before the concert started. But all that evaporated when the music and the rockin started! Oh yeah man, adrenaline rush! The music was great, even those newer songs which I didn't recognize - will have to get them ASAP! Classics like Wonderwall, Don't Look Back in Anger and Champagne Supernova were still the greatest hits! The energy level and overall 'highness' of the crowd skyrocketed when it came to these songs! The drumming for the 'ending' songs! Wonderful! All in all, I had an amazing time, and imho, well worth the 100 bucks, painful as it might be!
Still, my throat is totally hoarse right now... 3 days of singing and screaming my heart out may be fun and enjoyable, but too much abuse for my poor throat to handle. Time to stock up on the 'Jia Jia Liang Cha'! Haha!
Wells, terribly exhausted now though, after all that adrenaline.. Had better go catch up on my much needed sleep! Nights!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Happiness and Sorrow
At this point in time, I don't know whether to be happy or sad!
Enjoyed myself terribly these 2 days, went KTV yesterday with uni friends, 14 of us!! And yes, found some kindred spirits! Xiwen and Marcus! Oldieessss!! Even if Vivienne says we're from 不同的年代!Despite our mere two years difference! Haha!
Went KTV AGAIN today!! Oh noes! Felt so sinful... what with the CT project almost untouched! But had a great time singing today sia... so many english songs! Wahaha... good place to sing, at chinatown! After KTV, went for dinner at Marché with JC friends... it's been sooooo long! Almost a year since we last met! Amazing thing was, its probably one of the rare times where the girls organized the meeting! Haha... Had a great time catching up though, but also had a rude awakening. Sigh, they are ALL graduating! Last semester... and here I am, still struggling in my first year! Its not like I didn't know, just that it's always been in back of my mind, but suddenly thrust outfront into my face, not a very nice feeling indeed.
Anyway, time to pay the price for enjoyment.. Break time's over, back to CT...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Internet Safety
The post below has taught me a valuable lesson. Never, Ever log onto your account (for anything) and leave your laptop alone there! THANKS hor, Huang Wei Wei... I guess the below statements are your sentiments:) Hahahaha
Anyways, as I about to blog before I had to go for Strategicá meeting, this 'break weak' somehow seems more like a 'project week'! And it's the same for other universities as well I guess, from what I hear from my friends. Still, despite the workload, it IS still a break! And I still have the KTV sessions and Oasis concert to look out for:)
Had our Strategicá meeting today to finalise all details, and we've finally submitted our application to the SA. Now all we've gotta do is wait for their response, and the meeting with OSL! Yeah! Take a look here, and do join!
Terrible Life
What am I doing... Keep coming school... School is my second home, I love SMU~! and I love SIS! I love BGS, OOAD, AS, CT, Stats, DM~! I love BEN~~!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Last Day...
It's the last day before the long awaited term break! Spent the whole day studying for my stats test tomorrow, and at 2am, I'm still at it. Well, once again, I only have myself to blame for this sad fact.. darn that procrastinating streak in me! Tried the sample test in the afternoon... terrible shock to me. Have I spiralled so low that I can't even complete an mcq test on time? Yes, it's been 3-4 years since I touched any maths, and I have been slacking around in those boring stats lessons, but still! Sigh... guess it's practice and more practice for the next few hours before the test, if I want to score anything decent. Sad to say, I have no choice but to score my best for this, since it's probably one of my last hopes left for the semester.
On the bright side, in less than 12 hours, I'll be home free for 1 week at least! Can't wait for KTV on Tues/Wed, and the long-awaited Oasis Concert on Thurs!! Yes!!
Right. Back to stats!
Thursday, February 16, 2006


The girls,
posing with the angel

The poor guys

天使下凡! (于恶魔)!

Finally, the end is nearing.. yesterday had the BGS and OO test back to back... was more tiring than I expected. Rushed home to rest, wanted to start on the AS assignment or study stats, but temptation got the better of me! Ended up watching tv and exchanging songs with Wilson.. Heh. Well, because of that, now I'm up rushing the AS assignment! -.-"
Today's was the last CT lesson, yeah! On reflection, it was kinda fun after all, especially the group project and our great advertisements! The talk today on stress was definitely pertinent to us too.. sadly I was kinda too tired to pay full attention.. BUT! Most of the main points got in, I guess.
All right, so much for break time, hafta keep telling myself, the end is near! Just gotta get past this AS assignment and stats test! For now at least... ;)
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Need Sleep...
Been staring at my BGS textbook for half an hour with almost nothing getting into my brain.. I guess there's a limit to how much one can cram in a short period of time. Well, at least the DM test is over, was kinda better than I expected. Next up later today will be BGS and OO test back to back, in the evening. Not the best combination definitely, especially since I haven't finished studying fully. Argh.. 4 tests in one week is not my idea of fun!
Anyways, yesterday was Valentine's Day.. glad we managed to pull off the surprise.. though I guess quite a bit leaked out to some... hope everyone enjoyed it:) I certainly did, despite all that logistical nightmare. Ah wells... had a 'great' time with my dear Valentine... my sweet sweet OO textbook.. *puke* but already, she's starting to reject my advances!
Some quotable quotes heard recently (thanks Alvin) :
Procrastination is like masturbation... You might think it's a good idea at first, but all you're doing is just fucking yourself!
Argh... why do I procrastinate so much!! Sigh...
Oh no... Starting to babble already... had better go sleep and continue tomorrow!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
It's amazing how a song can just resonate in your head and heart for so long... perhaps it just reflects the inner heart, says what i really feel, or in the words of Xiwen, 唱出我们的心声! Just love the song man, Matchbox Twenty's Unwell...
Anyways, just spent the last week in school... next week is hell week, what with 4 tests and several assignments to go! At least had several deadlines postponed. Thank God! It's tough enough even with those deadlines postponed, can't imagine really living through ALL the deadlines:P Phew!

Anyways, CT group project is finally done... Yay!! I'm actually damn proud of our work man, especially the adverts! One down! Many more to go! But it actually gives me hope! There's light at the end of the dark dark tunnel:)
Thanks to my wonderful CT (and more) group! We did great guys!

3 侠女 killed me:(
All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
Feeling like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to
I’m talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I’ve lost my mind
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be
I’ve been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they’ll come to get me
Yeah, they’re taking me away
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Yeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I’m just a little unwell
How I used to be
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Should this be so?
Somehow, it seems that the world is spiralling down to its doom. The longer we live, the worse it gets. It's terribly depressing how headlines are filled with news of death, how a few comics can bring about so much death and destruction. My first thought of course, was this, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STUPID PEOPLE!??! I've always hated extremists, and fanatics... thought of them as idiots. I mean, geez, would any deity, god or buddha or allah, want his beloved followers to go around like some mass murderer? Would not the act of killing be a sin, against the very precepts of the religion itself? An all forgiving, all knowing, all-powerful etc etc god would be bemused by those 'silly people besmirching my name', but if he was angry, what makes the followers think they can do anything about it? Wouldn't he call some thunderstorm down to smite the "sinners"? Gods, maybe if they spent a little time more thinking instead running around killing people.....
My impression of them hasn't changed much. Yet, after some reflection and thought about it, they do have a point. People are, after all, governed by our emotions. I know I would be terribly pissed if something or someone I loved got insulted. So, in a way, their actions are justifiable if extreme. There are always two sides to a coin... did the Danish papers have the right to post insulting comics of the prophet? No, in my opinion, they did not. Free speech? Balderbash... Free speech is one thing, blatently insulting others is another. Look at it this way, insulting everyone around you isn't illegal or particularly wrong, just freaking stupid man! You're just going to get yourself punched in the face... That's just common sense man... or should that be 'uncommon' sense? Bah. I'd think intelligent, well educated, good writers and journalists should perhaps have more of such 'uncommon sense'. Here's an article on the so called 'free speech'. Rather interesting..
Anyways, don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against free speech or religion.. What I'm saying is, all of us need to sit back and think hard about what things really mean to us. It's easy to get carried away in a rush of emotions; it happens to the best of us, no matter how hard we try. Still, a dash of (un)common sense in anything we do would help tons.
Bleah... I should learn THAT myself. So much for big talk:P
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Yet another busy day again, sometimes I feel just like a bumblebee drone, working on and on till I die... Thank god for all my friends, if not I probably just wither and die! Haiz... Ben seem so depressed today.. keep playing those maudlin oldies... HAHA! Really 怀旧man! Not to say I didn't enjoy the songs, haha, just damn disconcerting ok! Make us all feel freaking old:P Aiyoyo, MQ today 抛弃 us after her YAH thing... oh well, she look so tired, *sayang* 2 more days til it's over! Ganbatté! Quite happy, finished most of my part for the OO phase 1 already, quite productive today:) Thanks alot to Wilson for your help, brother! Haha...
Anyway, I digress... back to the main pt of why I started writing this:P Stratagicá! Yeah! That's the new CCA Ben, YC and I wanna form (haha like I plan it like that:P just join in yeah!). Anyways, for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, we're planning on setting up this CCA for like-minded peeps to play board games! I'm envisioning it already! Enjoying games, making new friends, being exco of CCA... YEAH! Will be tough work planning and setting up new cca I guess, but I feel it's worth it... especially now that plans are forming up and all! Well, terribly sorry, guys, that I have't been able to contribute much... been really really busy this week, and the next 2 as well.. Promise that I will contribute more after those major deadlines have passed... not that I'll be totally free after that! :P
Anyways, time to sleep already, back to school in a few hours time... .... But before i go, here's some "AnaLgrams" I've heard over the past semester:P
SMU - Singapore Management University
Stress Management University, Simi Manage University or Super "mang" university
SIS - School of Information Systems
Suffer In Silence, Sundays/Saturdays in School!
Haha, apt isn't it? :P
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Belated 新年快乐!!
In a blink of the eye, CNY has came and gone. Been caught up in a long hiatus due to several project deadlines, but now that DM's done (at least phase 1), I can finally start my overdue tirade/whine/rant etc.
除夕 was a mad rush, mixed with disappointments and happiness. Went to school for meeting (sigh... let's not talk about what happened here...), back home for a quick nap before heading to my uncle's place for reunion dinner like every year. Dinner was great, causing me to come up with a quick equation: steamboat + potluck = too much food!! Stuffed ourselves silly with great food, Lee Ru Cuz's 算盘子, 二伯母's delicious beef and 猪脚 etc etc etc!There was so much food that we couldn't finish it up, so guess what the next day's breakfast will be:P
The next 2 days was a mass of fun, out visiting, collecting ang pows, playing, gambling, catching up on sleep, watching tv.. basically didn't do any work. Then the world came crashing in.. knew there was a reason why so many people went back to school on 除三 after all.. The DM and Oo project phase 1 deliverables deadline loomed ahead, and no meeting yet! Tonnes of make up classes, assignments, tests and all other deadlines were gonna crash in together in the next 2-3 weeks - and still are, for that matter...
Is it some perverse nature of teachers to have all the deadlines together? I know ... yes ... as SMU students we should know how to time manage, plan properly blah blah... make sure we complete our stuff. I say they're throwing us newbie swimmers into the deep end of the ocean, and god bless. Maybe some talented swimmers will survive with such little training, but the future certainly looks bleak for the rest of us mere mortals.
Another gripe - WHY ARE THE PROJECT GUIDELINES ALWAYS SO VAGUE? Should that not constitute a wide range of available answers? Yet, there seems to be a certain way we should answer... not to overcomplicate things, or to provide too little. A fine balance indeed, and an art we definitely need to learn. Once again, the deep end? Perhaps that's the way we should be learning things, and it's just me being whiny... but why all at once, haven't they heard of something got staggered learning? Geez!!
Anyways, one down, tons more to go! Wooo Hooo!!
Reminder to self:
8th (Wed) OO Phase 1 Due, AS Assignment Due
9th (Thurs) CT Group Project Due
13th (Mon) AS Individual Project Due
15th (Wed) OO Midterm, BGS Test, AS Assignment?
16th (Thurs) CT Individual Project, Stats Assignment 2 (12pm), DM Phase 2
18th (Sat) 10-1130 Stats Mid Term Test
Well, whining aside, today was a fairly good day after all. Handed up DM Phase 1, a minor relief before phase 2 is due, had a fun DM lesson today, then celebrated Vivienne's birthday in school. (Was supposed to celebrate Adrian's Birthday too! But due to some oversight and miscalculation, oops! Tomorrow!!!!) Thanks to Ben, we managed to buy back a nice ice-cream cake and gave Vivienne a nice birthday surprise. Well, at least I hope we did, were kinda obvious about it though. Hope she enjoyed it, I certainly did. 生日快乐oh!!